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Orion has all astronomy equipment is in stock !

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....Hale bopp and Aurora Borealis
.... Hale Bopp on a good night!
....Hale Bopp taken with the 11" scope on a brisk morning in late Feb
....Hale Bopp long exposure
....Hale Bopp in late March Early April 1997
....A six min. shot of Hale Bopp using my 11" with the 35mm at the prime focus during Feb.
...Hale Bopp with foreground...
Hale Bopp on a calm night...
....Comet Hyacutake on 3/26/96
....Comet Hyacutake taken on 3/30/96 on kodak gold 1000 with an 8" scope at f6.3 for 3 min.
....Comet Hyacutake in a 3 min. exposure on kodak gold 1000 during the lunar eclipse of 4/3/96 using the 8" scope and Taurus Astophoto system

  ..... Comet Holmes taken on November 18th 2007

Need some new camera equipment or a new camera Adorama has them all!

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